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DevOps as a Service

Discover the best way to improve productivity, software quality, developer experience and frequency of delivery by using DevOps

Your software development issues

What is your number one priority? What will help your team be more efficient?


  • Save time in development activities?

  • Increase release frequency, while keeping software quality?

  • Collect feedback from the field, and be alerted in case of issue?

  • Migrate to Cloud?


Adopting DevOps will make your development activities more productive and efficient, by focusing on added value, and automating what can be automated.

A solution adapted to your needs...

There is no one-solution-fits-all for DevOps. Each company has its own technical environment and specific needs.

A Nalys project can be broken down into several stages starting with a real understanding of your development challenges, your priorities and constraints of your team. This is the audit and workshops stage. 

From this first stage, the solution Nalys will carry out is tailored to your situation and needs to reach maximum efficiency: a technical business proposal, a project execution, demo and releases and finally the maintenance. Adaptable, just like the DevOps philosophy.

...and your situation

Small or middle size team

Analysis of your environment and internal resources, implementation of the DevOps toolbox starting with parts with highest added value like CI/CD, testing, cloud, monitoring.

Large team without DevOps

Our team of experts perform an in depth analysis of your situation, propose a solution adapted to your needs and implement parts or all the DevOps toolbox from the Service Center.

Large team with DevOps

After an audit, depending on what you have in your environment, what projects you are working on and will be working on, we will propose and implement the missing parts of the DevOps toolbox. 

Our experts will also help you work in this new environment by accompany you and your team on coming projects.

Our services

We developed an entire Service Center around the DevOps solution. The different services that we offer are adaptable depending on your situation, needs and maturity on the DevOps process. They can be implemented either individually or combined.
You might not have the in house expertise, but through our Service Center, you will have access to  expertise on Linux systems, web development, GUI applications, infrastructure, model based design, CI/CD, build systems, container orchestration and containerization and finally monitoring.

Our services
Productivity improvements

Improve your software development environment to reduce build times and ease dependency management

CI/CD solutions

Automate recurring tasks using Continuous Integration and Deployment systems, which are the heart of DevOps

Test automation solutions

Improve software quality and reduce the number of errors due to repeated manual testing

Monitoring solutions

Manage performance and issues by monitoring devices and applications

Infrastructure solutions

Implement a reliable, scalable and flexible infrastructure to build and operate software

Agile-DevOps way of working

Adapt your organization through coaching and training on your specific needs and issues


Geert Heyninck, CTO of Nokia

Although it took more time than we originally anticipated, on our Bazel project we went through the tremendous achievement of bringing our build time from 2 hours to an average of 10 minutes. When I was sold that by Nalys, I was pretty sure it was business speak, but that’s where we are today”.

Get to know more about us

Nalys is a consulting group dedicated to high technology projects. Everyday we work hard to provide the best solutions for our technological partners in various industries. Our customers are looking for the highest added value and that is what our teams of experts are able to provide.


Contact us

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Avenue de Tervuerenlaan 270, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, Belgium

© 2021 Nalys Group

Tel. +32 (0)2 880 83 20

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